sodasiThe exact rectification of the birth time gives sixteen divisional ascendants. In the old days when charts were prepared by hand, a table showing each of these divsions of the Lagna and all the navagraha was prepared. It gave a glimpse of the positions of each of the planets in each of the D-charts. What we learn in these video’s (please view the entire playlist) is how the lagna impacts the life of the individual. Sometimes one notices that irrespective of dasha, the problems persist and this is due to a weak divisional chart or a weak divisional ascendant, the varga lagna.

ptolemyastrologylrgTithi Pravesha is the high watermark of our tradition. Unlike the Tajaka authors of mid-west and greece who used the solar return charts, we in the east use the tithi return. This is the moment when the sun and moon form the exact same angle that they did at the time of our birth annually. Another condition is that the Sun must be in the same sidereal sun-sign; thats because we are human and not gods. Our soul is still trapped in this human body.

For those who are conversnat with mundane astrology, you will recall that in the Chaitra chart we make for each year, the sun-moon conjunction i.e. the start of the sukla pratipada is the start of the New Year and not the solar ingress into Aries. The King of the year is determined from this annual Tithi Pravesha chakra of the Chaitra Pratipada. The Aries and other sidereal solar ingress charts gives the various ministers and are subservient to this Tithi Pravesha chakra of Sukla Pratipada. In a similar vein the Tithi Pravesha chart of our birthdays is the real start of the new year whereas the solar ingress or solar return is subservient to this TP Chart. Hope you learn from all the nine video’s.

Atma means Self, while karaka means Indicator. There are naturally two grahas that are called Atmakaraka in the chart. One is natural (naisargik) and another is temporal (chara). Natural Atmakaraka in each chart is Surya, while chara Atmakaraka in each chart is calculated in accordance with a placement of a Graha in a sign.


Sun is an indicator of dharma (Natural Law principle). It rules self, innate nature and intelligence. While Moon rules manas (mind), sun is an indicator of Atman (a transcendental Self) which is unborn and undying, beyond the relative field of existence. Sun is a natural indicator for a first house affairs or Lagna. It rules natural 5th house of a zodiac, and along with Guru, it has a say over Dhi-Shakti, an intelligence coupled with wisdom, proper growth of the mind, and mantra-primordial sound that reflects the transcendental Impulse of Natural Law.


While the scholars are still divided in opinion whether to use seven or eight charakarak scheme, Parasara and Jaimini are clear in their preference to the latter. Thus I am describing the role of Atmakaraka, having in mind 8 Chara karaka scheme, as recommended by the sages.

Let’s see what Parasara says about Atmakaraka:“O Brahmin, just as the minister cannot go against the king, the other karakas, viz, Putrakaraka, Amatyakaraka etc. cannot predominate over Atmakaraka in the affairs of the native. If the Atmakaraka is adverse, other karakas cannot give their benefic effects (fully). Similarly, if Atmakaraka is favorable, other karakas cannot predominate with their malefic influences.”

Atmakaraka is the most personal planet in the chart. It is the king of the horoscope. Its role is to protect, as the king protects his kingdom and territory. Being the most personal planet, it has the strongest say over Moksha (final emancipation) and for that reason, the 12th house from the Atmakaraka in the Navamsa chart (dharmamsa) is used to ascertain the ishtadevata or the personal Deity who will guide the soul to its real home – Moksha. Thus, the main role of Atmakaraka is to purify the soul. Therefore, the position of Atmakaraka in a chart describes the suffering of a soul, obstacles and bad karma which are all meant to cleanse the soul from its sins, and promote rise and evolution. It is for that reason that house placement of Atmakaraka as well as Arudha ruled by it are indicative of disturbed areas of life, where a person has to work unselfishly to ward off the previous sins. For that reason, a person will suffer most while given the opportunity to progress most through the instrument of Atmakaraka power. While different astrologers opine that Atmakaraka places will be beneficial for a chart owner, it has been the case that house placement of Atmakaraka becomes very sensitive in a person’s life, where the obstacles and sufferings are found, giving rise to personal growth and evolution. However, to make it clear, Atmakaraka doesn’t necessarily indicate suffering by its mere placement. There may be happiness under the conditions set by Atmakaraka/spiritual inclinations. Let’s examine a few charts:

Case one


Shani is both Atmakaraka and yoga karaka, and it is retrograde and placed in mritavasta, as well as Rasi sandhi. Shani is placed in dharmamsa (Mithun Navamsa). Shani is also strong in own sign while its placement in 8th house from Al is not good. In shani mahadasha, a lady gave birth to 3 children, the 1st pregnancy was lost, due to mrith avasta of Shani and dristi of a strong Maraka – Mangal. After the last childbirth, she has developed post child-birth depression. Being a very caring mother, she is too concerned for her children. Her huge sense of responsibility (Shani) towards her children, made her give up all personal enjoyment.

Due to these troubles, this person started meditation and finished a homeopathic course, and she spends a few hours daily in meditation and prayers. Thus we can see both the punishing and purifying role of Shani in her chart.

Case two


Atmakaraka Mangal is in own sign in 7th house and the person is a dedicated ISKCON follower. He is still unmarried and his spiritualism and ascetic way of living are very pronounced so far.

Otherwise, Guru and Mangal combination in 7th house should be conducive to an early householders life.

Case three

ak3Atmakaraka Shani is placed in 4th house and the person had to renounce a part of his own property for the benefit of his elder sister.

The difficulties met by this person and the responsibilities in domestic life were huge.

These had a purifying effect and firmly grounded the personal life into a spiritual direction.

Case four

ak4Atmakaraka Mangal in the 4th house has given the most terrible experiences in 4th house affairs – viz., early loss of mother and a younger brother falling ill.

The person’s Mangal mahadasha was the most terrible.

The person spent it in prayers and meditation. Her Rahu mahadasha is on at present and she has completely dedicated herself to the spiritual life.

Case five

ak5Atmakaraka Mangal is in neecha in 12th house (deepest debilitation degree), and in Mangal mahadasha she

  • lost her property,
  • kept facing losses and expenses,
  • had great difficulties,

however, her life views have changed and she took an interest in Jyotish (astrology) and spiritualism.

Case six

ak6Atmakaraka Venus is exalted in 10th house giving rise to Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga.

The person is a businessman, while in Venus mahadasha he has to work very hard, facing with a great difficulties and troubles in professional life, while at the same time started to fast, changed his attitudes and has taken life more seriously admitting its spiritual dimension.

It is worth mentioning that Venus has given excellent professional growth, yet coupled with immense difficulties sometimes.

It is my own observation that natural benefic Atmakaraka tends to punish in a milder way, comparing to natural malefic Atmakaraka.

Case seven

ak7Atmakaraka Mercury has lost a planetary war to Jupiter, and even though in own sign (Virgo) in Kendra to AL

the person is still unmarried and unsuccessful in personal life and profession.

Note that mercury is both 7th and 10th lord.

She has met various obstacles in professional life and a great source of difficulties.

However, due to her humble and chaste character she is dealing with troubles well. She has developed utmost patience and servitude in her life.

Case eight

ak8Atmakaraka Sun is well placed in 4th house along with Mercury with Neechabhanga.

She is an instructor of meditation, while her troubles with property, and all 4th house significations started after the relatively premature death of her father.

She has met various troubles from influential people in spiritual movement. She is still unmarried (sun is lord of Upapada)


It is evident in all cases, that Atmakaraka has created disturbances in all matters signified by its placement. Depending on the person’s attitude, one has either learnt the lessons given by Atmakaraka and turned to spiritual life, or continued suffering.

Thus, by no means will Atmakaraka improve the house significations in a standard way (as will lord of Lagna for example) The king of the chart has one single motive – to ward off the sins from previous birth, and to cleanse the person by giving suffering and pains, thereby setting the soul towards the higher planes.


Perhaps the first step in Vedic Astrology is to discard the idea that it is some kind of a superstition. Astrology is composed of two words “Astro” referring to the study of celestial bodies and phenomena and “Logos” meaning the logical application of this scientific study. Vedic refers to the period of the writing of the Vedas and the codification of the data from the Brighu’s (database created across India in the form of Brighu Samhita having records of various birth charts and their life events). Thus, Vedic Astrology refers to the method of Astrology as studied and practised in India since time immemorial. The principal exponent of this is Maharishi Parasara whose writings in the monumental classic Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra form the standard text for Jyotish (Vedic Astrology).

Jyotish is not fatalistic and none other than Brahma Himself can tell you exactly what is going to happen. In fact of the twelve houses that govern the various facets of life, the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th houses are called Upachaya or houses of growth. The affairs connected with this house are based on the exercise of free will of the individual and cannot be dictated upon. Thus, the scope for exercise of free will is about 33% in our lives and that is quite a bit if used properly. The Srimad Bhagavat Gita is the discussion between Bhagavan Sri Krishna and His ardent disciple Arjun, the warrior. A question often asked is why does God (Sri Krishna) have to urge and explain the truth of life to Arjuna to fight the battle when He can easily direct him to do so? The sixth house in any horoscope deals with enemies and battles and this is under the FREE WILL of the individual as it is an Upachaya. Hence even Bhagavan had to preach Arjun about the value of standing up and fighting for truth.

The Sun Signs , the “Zodiac”

rashi tattvaDwadas Aditya1– The twelve Sun Signs: For one reason or the other, whether it be the conquest of the Normans or the birth of Christ, the starting date of the year has been varying as calendars come and go. In the scheme of Vedic astrology, the solar calendar consists of twelve houses of 30 degrees each covering the total span of 360 degrees. These are called the twelve Sun Signs (Dwadas Aditya). These signs are fixed (unlike that used in the western astrology) although the names and other significations, nature etc are similar to that used in Western astrology.

Table-1: The Characteristics of the Signs

Sign Triplicity Quadruplicity Sex Ruler
No Name Mobility Guna
1 Aries Fire Movable Rajas Male Mars
2 Taurus Earth Fixed Tamas Female Venus
3 Gemini Air Dual Satwa Male Mercury
4 Cancer Water Movable Rajas Female Moon
5 Leo Fire Fixed Tamas Male Sun
6 Virgo Earth Dual Satwa Female Mercury
7 Libra Air Movable Rajas Male Venus
8 Scorpio Water Fixed Tamas Female Mars & Ketu2
9 Sagittarius Fire Dual Satwa Male Jupiter
10 Capricorn Earth Movable Rajas Female Saturn
11 Aquarius Air Fixed Tamas Male Saturn & Rahu3
12 Pisces Water Dual Satwa Female Jupiter

Characteristics of the Signs: The signs of the zodiac are classified in various ways. The important ones are listed below:

Ayanamsa4: This difference is due to the fact that Vedic Astrology takes into account the astronomical fact of the precession of the solar system around another point called a “Nabhi” or Navel whereby the system precesses (like going back) at the rate of about 50.23 seconds per year (others take an average varying from 50″ to 54″ per year based on the time of 26,000 years or 24,000 years for the precession to complete one circle of 360 degrees). This precession results in a mathematical correction called Ayanamsa.

Sankranti: The dates assigned to the signs of the zodiac are based on the solar ingress (i.e. entry of the Sun) of the signs. Depending on the value of Ayanamsa used, this date can vary by a few days and different “astrologers” assign slightly different dates based on their belief on the date of conjunction of zero point of the precession and Aries (called beginning of Kali Yuga) and the rate of the precession. The Government set up a committee called the Calendar reforms committee to correct the anomaly between the beliefs of different Vedic calendars. The result was what is popularly called the Rashtriya Panchang (National Calendar) and the Lahiri Ayanamsa. The date at which the Sun enters a sign is called the Sankranti. Thus, we have 12 Sankranti’s based on the date of the Sun’s entry into each of the 12 signs from Aries to Pisces. Good Vedic Astrologers will date events from the days calculated from Sankranti and also the Tithi. The Vedic Sun signs have a profound influence on the desires of the soul, which is the real individual and if charts are matched on the basis of the Sun signs in addition to the Moon, then real compatibility can be ascertained. Thus, in a way, people having the same Sun signs as given below can be called “soul mates”.

Tithi: Tithi is the Vedic date of the Lunar calendar and is a measure of the distance between the Sun and the Moon starting from Pratipada when they conjoin at Poornima when they oppose at 180 degrees. There are 15 Tithi in the Sukla Paksha (Waxing Phase) and 15 Tithi in the waning phase (Krishna Paksha) (Refer Table-1). Each Tithi is an angle of 12 degrees. This angle is mathematically represented as:

Angle = Longitude of Moon – Longitude of the Sun
and, Tithi = Angle / 120

Table 2: Tithi or the Vedic date (All angles in degrees)

Paksha Tithi Angle Tithi Angle Tithi Angle
Sukla Paksha Pratipada-1 0 -12 Dwiteeya-2 12-24 Truteeya-3 24-36
Chaturhi-4 36-48 Panchami-5 48-60 Shasti-6 60-72
Saptami-7 72-84 Astami-8 84-96 Navami-9 96-108
(Waxing Phase)
Dasami-10 108-120 Ekadasi-11 120-132 Dwadasi-12 132-144
Trayodasi-13 144-156 Chaturdasi-14 156-168 Poornima-15 168-180
Krishna Paksha Pratipada-1 180-192 Dwiteeya-2 192-204 Truteeya-3 204-216
Chaturhi-4 216-228 Panchami-5 228-240 Shasti-6 240-252
Saptami-7 252-264 Astami-8 264-276 Navami-9 276-288
(Waning Phase)
Dasami-10 288-300 Ekadasi-11 300-312 Dwadasi-12 312-324
Trayodasi-13 324-336 Chaturdasi-14 336-348 Amavasya-0 348-360

Tattva: There are five principal elements or states of existence of all material bodies called TATWA. These are (1) the Solid state called PRITHVI or Earth, (2) the Liquid state called JALA or Water, the Gaseous state called VAYU, the Vacuum state called AKASH or the Energy state called AGNI. Each sign is assigned one of the four principle elements of Agni (loosely called Fire), Vayu (loosely called Air), Prithvi (loosely called Earth), and Jala (loosely called Water). However the fifth, Akash Tatwa (loosely called Sky) pervades all the signs and represents Vishnu Who pervades everything although not visible to mortal eyes.

Table 3: Sun Sign & Healing Gemstones

Name of Sign Vedic Name Dates of Sign Healing Color Healing Gemstone Hindi Name
Aries Mesha April 15 to May 14 Red Red Coral Moonga
Taurus Vrisab May 15 to Jun 14 White Diamond Heera
Gemini Mithun June 15 to July 14 Green Emerald Panna
Cancer Kark July 15 to Aug 14 Lt. Pink Pearl Moti
Leo Simha Aug 15 to Sept 14 Off. White Ruby Manik
Virgo Kanya Sept 15 to Oct 14 Gray Emerald Panna
Libra Tula Oct 15 to Nov 14 Black Diamond Heera
Scorpio Vrischik Nov 15 to Dec 14 Lt.Yellow Cats Eye Lahsanya
Sagittarius Dhanus Dec15 to Jan 15 Yellow Yellow sapphire Pokhraj
Capricorn Makar Jan 15 to Feb13 Blue Blue Sapphire Neelam
Aquarius Kumbh Feb14 to Mar 14 Varigated Hessionite Gomedh
Pisces Meena Mar 15 to April 14 Crystal white Yellow sapphire Pokhraj

1. Aditya is the name of the Sun God as born from Aditi [the mother of the Gods or Deva’s (Deva is derived from Diva, meaning the giver of light or enlightenment)]. There are 12 Aditya’s or Sun Gods for each of the 12 months of Solar transit through the 12 signs. To find your Sun God/Aditya, refer to Vedic Remedies in Astrology by Sanjay Rath.

2 Ketu, the descending node is the co-lord of Scorpio

3 Rahu, the ascending node is the co-lord of Aquarius

4 Ayanamsa: this is the precession of the solar system and is to be added or subtracted from the zero point of Aries in the western chart to arrive at the Vedic Horoscope. For example, the solar ingress into Aries resulting in the start of the Aries Month in western astrology is March 21. However, the Ayanamsa at present (2000 AD) is about 23 degrees and adding 23 days to March 21 we get April 14 as the date for Solar ingress into Aries in the Vedic Calendar.

G. K. Goel, [Director of Astrological Course,
Astro Sceince Research Organisation (Redg.)] Res. : L-409, Sarita Vihar,
New Delhi-110044
Ph. 6943689, Fax 6942183

The heart is a four- chambered Electro-muscular pump designed to circulate the blood around the whole body continuously, without even a pause, till the end of life. Infect, it is a pair of pumps placed side by side. The heart is positioned in the chest just over the lower side of the left loave of the lungs.

The first pump situated on the right side of the heart. This pump recovers blood from the body through the veins and fills right ventricle of the heart and then pumps the blood to lungs. The second pump on the left recovers purified blood back from the lungs and fills the left ventricle of the heart and then pumps the blood to the body. Four valves control these functions. The blood supply to the heart muscle (the myocardium) itself is provided by special arteries, called coronary arteries.

The function of the heart is controlled and regulated by electrical impulses, originating in the sinus node, a structure embedded in the heart muscle. Nearly 72 impulses are passed every minute through myocardium, this generates equal number of heartbeats. In this process, heart muscle develops pressure (blood-pressure) which is responsible for the flow of blood in the body.

heartThe nature has created another mechanical pumps (two in number) which are situated in each of the calf muscles of the legs. These pumping systems is only operative when a person is walking, running or performing some specific exercises and help the heart in accelerating the flow of blood supply in the body. These pumps do not operate when body is in resting mode. This is the broad basis on which heart helps to maintain the circulation of blood in the body.

Type of main diseases of heart

    1. Congenital Heart diseases.
      1. The child may born with some defects in the heart like: abnormality in aortic and Pulmonary valves, deformation in both or either of the ventricles (generally both Ventricles are connected by a whole), etc.
      2. Abnormalities caused during pregnancy like defects arising out during formation of foetus, on account of drugs taken by mother etc.
      3. On account of infections, German measles, rheumatic fever etc.
    2. Diseases of the Valves: On account of rheumatic fever, Calcification of valves, etc.; the flow of blood becomes restricted.  This results in High blood pressure and related diseases of the heart.
    3. Coronary heart Disease. On account of several factors, the gradual narrowing of coronary arteries or excessive deposits of fats inside the walls of arteries occur. This results in the reduced supply of blood to heart muscle and myocardial infarction may result, which is called  “Heart Attack”.
    4. Cardiac muscle disease : On account of infection, high blood pressure, congenital diseases etc., the heart muscle becomes weak and diseased. These are called as Cardio-myopathies.
    5. Disturbance in Heart’s electrical system : As healthy car engine cannot run without proper electrical system, similarly a healthy heart can perform properly if its electric system is sending proper and timely impulses. Many problems arise on account of mall functioning of heart’s electrical system.

This is a broad and layman’s view about the possible causes of heart disease. This may help to identify astrological reasons for specific heart diseases in broader prospective.

Astrological principals

1.significators for heart (positive factors)
(a) The Fourth House: The fourth house indicates the heart of the native. Mind is also the seat of the fourth house. Heart and mind are very closely associated with each other.
(b) lord of the fourth house: The second important significator of the heart is the Lord of fourth house. This is in accordance with the basic principal of predictive astrology.
(c) moon: The Moon is Natural ruler as well as significator of fourth house. Moon is      also significator of mind , thus Moon becomes important significator of the heart.
(d) Sign Cancer: Moon is the ruler of sign Cancer. This sign plays important role as significator of heart.
(e) Nakshatra anuradha: Anuradha is Heart of the kalapurusha (Lord Vishnu). Thus this Nakshatra acts as significator of Heart.

2.  Significators for the disease of heart (negative factors)
a) The sun: Sun is the significator of the heart disease. When malefic influences operate on the Sun, heart diseases may be indicated. This also depends on other adverse indications such as malefic Dasas and transits. This is most important factor for the disease of the heart.
b)  sign leo: Sun being its natural associate, any affliction to this sign may promote heart disease.
c)   The Fifth house: The fifth house is the natural seat of sign Leo and its Lord Sun.  Affliction to this house becomes a strong factor in promoting heart disease,  further, this is the house of intellect which  has a direct bearing on the well being of the heart muscle as well as its   functioning. On account of this reason, some authorities have even advocated that real seat of heart is fifth house in comparison with fourth house. However, as heart is more akin to watery element (then fire), we feel it is more appropriate that forth house should be considered the prime seat of the heart. The fifth house either help in the growth and well being of the heart or if fifth house is afflicted it promotes the disease of the heart. The fifth house is a Marka house for heart muscle being second house from fourth house.
d) The Lord of the Fifth House: -For reasons explained in C above, the Lord of the fifth house acts as a Marka to heart muscle as well as if afflicted promotes heart disease.

3. Secondary significators for the disease of the heart (secondary Negative actors)
(A) 2nd drekkana: In case, ascendant falls in the 2nd Drekkana of the rising sign, the fifth and the ninth houses in rashi chart become the indicator of Right and left sides of the heart muscle respectively. In that case, any affliction to these houses indicates the strong possibility of heart disease depending upon the type of malefic influences operating on these houses.
(B) sign aquarius: In chapter I, sloka 8 of BrihatJatak, Varah Mihira identified Aquarius as “hirdyaroga”. The placement of sun in this sign does not augur well for heart.
(C) The Eleventh House: Eleventh House is the natural seat of sign Aquarius. This is the house of fulfilment of desire, which has a strong bearing both on mind and Intellect. The two Calf-muscles of both legs are also signified by eleventh house and sign Aquarius. Thus, this house becomes one of the strong significator for heart disease. This house is eighth from the forth house. Any affliction to the Fifth and eleventh house axis may cause heart disease.
(D) Nakshatra magha (Leo 0 degree – 13 degree 20’) (Yavan jatak):  An afflicted planet in this Nakshatra may cause sudden shock and pollution to the heart. Kept is the ruler of this Nakshatra and triggers accidents and sudden events.
(E) Nakshatra Purva Phalguni (Leo 13 degree 20’ to 26 degree 40’) (Yavan jatak): This star has a strong signification over heart and generates swelling of heart muscles.
(F) dhanista – Last two charan (Aquarius 0 degree – 6 degree 40’):  This star may trigger sudden failure of heart and carries the influence of sign Aquarius and Mars.
(G) shatavhisha (AQUARIUS 6 degree 40’ – 20 degree): This star rules over Electricity, which is vital for proper and regular functioning of the heart. Both Rahu and Hershel rule over Electricity and are the co-rulers of sign Aquarius. This star rules Rheumatic heart disease, high blood pressure, palpitation and other mall-functioning in the heart on account of  its electrical system. Both Rahu and Hershel play vital Role for such problems in the heart.
(H) Poorva-Bhadarpad-First three Quarters: (Aquarius 20 degree to 30 degree) This rules over the irregularities in function, swelling and dilation of heart muscle. The Jupiter is the ruler of this star and represents expansion, swelling, dilation etc when afflicted.

Indication for prevention of heart disease

These are indications for strong and healthy heart.

1.     In case Fourth house, its Lord, its Karka Moon, sign Cancer and Nakshatra Anuradha are in auspicious influence, the heart would be strong and would resist any indications and yoga (s) which may exist in the birth chart for the disease of heart. These are summarised as under:

(A) If Moon and Lord of the fourth house are:Heart Disease and Its Causes
i.         In their Exaltation, Mooltrikona and own rashi(s),
ii.       Conjunct, hammed or/and aspected by benefic planets.
iii.      Placed in good bhavas -kendra and trikona (it would be better if both from Ascendant and fourth house)
iv.     Moving towards their exaltation sign.
v.       Vargottama, exaltation or own Navmasas.
vi.     With six or more bindus in their own Astak Vargas and more than 32 bindus in Sarva – Astakvarga.
vii.    Dispositor of these planets are similarly in auspicious influence
viii.  These planets have acquired requisite Shad-Bala and Vimshopak strength.
ix.     Placed in auspicious Shashtiyamsa (60th part of the rashi).
x.       Simultaneously, fourth Bhava and Cancer Rashi are occupied or aspected by benefics or by their own Lords. These Bhava and rashi should be hemmed by benefics.
On the contrary, the following factors will promote illness

2. If Moon and lord of forth house are:
(1) In their debilitation or enemy sign
(2) Placement in 6th, 8th or/and 12th house from Ascendant and fourth house.
(3) Hemmed by Malefics.
(4) Conjunction or aspect of melefics (Mars, Saturn,Rahu,Ketu and lords of 6th 8th and   12th house)
(5) Relationship (Sambandh) with the Lords of 6th, 8th and 12th Lords from fourth as well as ascendant.
(6) Melefics in 6,8 and 12, or 5 or 9th houses from fourth house.
(7) Relationship with significators of diseases of heart
(8) Placement of planets in debilitation, Enemy and malefic Navmasa or in the Navmasa of rashis falling in trik Bhavas.
(9) Planets with 3 or less Bindus in their own respective Astakvarga and 22 or less Bindus sarvastak -Vargas.
(10) Bhavas, their Lords and Karka do not have requisite Shad- Bala and Vimshopak Strength.
(11) Placed in inauspicious Shashtiyamsa
(12) Fourth house and Cancer Rashi are occupied, Aspected or hemmed by Malefics.

Indication of Cardiac Illness.

ambulance-carThe following points are to be examined:

1)      Affliction to SUN: this is by far the most important factor in causing cardiac illness.Affliction from Saturn causes palpitation and shivering of heart. Ketu causes pain the heart. Mars causes problem of blood circulation. Sun’s debilitation and relationship with 6,8thand 12th houses or their Lords promotes heart disease.
2)      Affliction to fifth house and 11th house and their Lords
3)      Affliction to sign Leo and Aquarius.
4)      Affliction to Lagna and its Lord. – This also promotes diseases.
5)      Affliction to fourth and fifth houses from Moon and Sun respectively.
6)      In the main Dasa of a malefic planet, if antardasa lord is retrograde and situated in fifth house from Lagna or Sun, promotes Cardiac illness.
7)      In the presence of sufficient affliction, the Dasa of planets associating with SUN, the 5th house, the 5th lord leads to Cardiac illness.
8)      In the basic scheme, Lagna is the house of health, sixth is for disease, 8th for death, 2nd and 7th are Marka houses and 12th is the house of decay. The ninth house is for growth and 11th house for recovery. When we consider similar scheme from house of heart i.e. the fourth house, the fourth house is for health of the heart, Ninth house is for its disease, 11th is for its death, 3rd for decay, 5th and 10th act as its Marka, 12th for growth and 2nd house from Lagna is for recovery of heart from disease. This gives some interesting information with regard to heart disease.  9th. 11th, 12th and 2nd   houses from Lagna are common in both schemes. Thus 9th house may promote growth of the whole body but at the cost of heart. Similarly 11th house may promote recovery of the body from other illnesses but may adversely harm the heart. 12th house may weaken the body but may contribute to the health of the heart. 2nd house may help from the recovery of heart from the of disease but may sometimes be fatal to the native on account other reasons. These are the contradictions which Doctors and native face in life in actual practice. The astrologer should be very careful while assessing the recovery of a particular organ of the body. If dasa of 2nd Lord is running, sometimes operation of the heart is successful, still 2nd house may prove Marka to the native on account of other reasons.


All these factors are to be properly weighed before reaching a prediction on the recovery of the Native from the illnesses. When main Karka’s of heart are strong and in good influence like fourth house, Moon, Lord of the fourth house, sign Cancer, and star Anuradha, the heart would be strong. If these factors are weak and aflicted, the heart would be weak. And liable to contact disease. On the other hand, if Karkas for promoting disease of the heart are in benefic influence, they would not promote disease. If these are afflicted, they would certainly promote disease even if heart Muscle and its function both are in healthy condition. Both the above factors, the Karkas of heart and its disease are afflicted, the disease in the heart would be of serious nature.

 Important notes

  1. Every house represents two categories of things

(I)                 Living things
(II)               Non living things
In the case of fourth house, mother, animals, birds, Energy to work, breasts of woman, chest, heart, lungs, Arteries, diaphragm, portion of chest above diaphragm, alimentary canal, ribs, sternum (breast bone), Right nostril (Ist Drekhana is rising), Right side of the middle position of the body (II nd Drekhana is rising), Right thigh (iiird Drekhana is rising) are the things which are in living categories. The land, house, vehicle, farm equipment, garden, grains, crops, mines etc are things represented by fourth house, which are in non-living categories . (We are not discussing about abstract things of fourth house, like happiness, education, mind etc).
“Natural malafic planets situated in a house give harm to living things and give rise to non living things; while natural benefic planets do not have much sympathy with the non-living things and give rise to living things related to that house.”
Natural malefic even in its own sign will harm the living things. In case of fourth house, it may strengthen the heart yet produce decay and disease in the heart. Natural Malefics behave like a snake that lays eggs but eats almost all  by itself.
(For information of the readers, the abstract things represented by the fourth house are ambition, Comfort, Faith in religion, mind ,allegation, fame, victory, secrets, education, artistic ability etc)

  1. It is important to note that the reckoning of the various yogas is done in the dwadasamsa cart also exactly in the same manner as is done in rasi chart. In large number of cases the combinations are not visible straitaway in rasi chart. And yet the person suffers from the disease. In such cases, the dwadasamsa chart is very useful and will certainly provide the missing link in the diagnosis.

Yoga’s for Heart disease

  1. Malefics in forth house and its lord is conjoined or hemmed by Malefics.
  2. Forth lord in eighth with its lord or in combustion with Sun.
  3. malefics are placed in 4th and 5th houses simultaneously.
  4. Navamsa lord of 4th house lord, if afflicted, may promote misery and disease. If it is in malefic Shashtiyans (D-60) and aspected or conjoined with malefic, it may promote heart disease. Similar results are expected if it is with 6th or 8th lords along  with Sun or any other malefic.
  5. Ketu joins Mars in fourth house.
  6. Affliction Moon in house of enemy.
  7. Saturn joins Sun in evil house or fourth house.
  8. Sixth Lord and SUN in fourth with a malefic.
  9. Mars Saturn or Jupiter in fourth house aspected by Malefics.
  10. 10, Sixth Lord in fourth house with Saturn and Jupiter.
  11. Mercury in Lagna, and both Sun & Saturn in 6th house afflicted by Malefic.
  12. Rahu and moon in seventh house and Saturn in Kendra.
  13. Sun is in sign Scorpio, weak Mars afflicts Jupiter and sixth Lord is also afflicted by Malefic.
  14. Afflicted Moon is fourth house and three malefcs in one house.
  15. Lord of fifth house or fifth house and /or both with Malefics and also hemmed by them.
  16. Fifth lord is in debilitation sign or inimical sign, or in eighth house, or combust and is with eighth Lord.
  17. Afflicted Sun as Sixth lord is in fourth house.
  18. Sun in Aquarius.
  19. A weak Lagna Lord positioned in 4th house with Rahu and aspected by Malefic.
  20. The heart attack may come in the periods and sub-periods of planets owning or occupying 2nd, 6th, 8th and 12th housed from the Sun and the 4th Lord.

Factors for protection against heart disease.
(1)   Influence or aspects of Benefics on Karkas and absence of yoga’s indicating heart disease.
(2)   Jupiter in Lagna and lagnesh is with strength.
(3)   Strong Gaj-Kesari yoga in horoscope.
(4)   Combination for Long life.
(5)   Unafflicted sun in Gemini is said to provide protection against heart disease.
(6)   When both Lagna and Moon are aspected by benefics.